uvgRTP 3.1.0
An open-source library for RTP/SRTP media delivery
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Crtcp_app_packetSee RFC 3550 section 6.7
 Crtcp_fb_fciRTCP Feedback Control Information, See RFC 4585 section 6.1
 Crtcp_fb_packetFeedback message. See RFC 4585 section 6.1
 Crtcp_firFull Intra Request, See RFC 5104 section 4.3.1
 Crtcp_headerHeader of for all RTCP packets defined in RFC 3550 section 6
 Crtcp_receiver_reportSee RFC 3550 section 6.4.2
 Crtcp_report_blockSee RFC 3550 section 6.4.1
 Crtcp_rpsiReference Picture Selection Indication, See RFC 4585 section 6.3.3
 Crtcp_sdes_chunkSee RFC 3550 section 6.5
 Crtcp_sdes_itemSee RFC 3550 section 6.5
 Crtcp_sdes_packetSee RFC 3550 section 6.5
 Crtcp_sender_infoSee RFC 3550 section 6.4.1
 Crtcp_sender_reportSee RFC 3550 section 6.4.1
 Crtcp_sliSlice Loss Indication, See RFC 4585 section 6.3.2
 Crtp_frameSee RFC 3550 section 5
 CcontextProvides CNAME isolation and can be used to create uvgrtp::session objects
 Cmedia_streamThe media_stream is an entity which represents one RTP stream
 CrtcpRTCP instance handles all incoming and outgoing RTCP traffic, including report generation
 CsessionProvides ZRTP synchronization and can be used to create uvgrtp::media_stream objects